のせでんアートライン2019 避難訓練


Diego TEO


Diego Teo was born in United Mexican State in 1978 and currently lives in Oaxaca. In 2002, he started exhibiting sculptural works using industrial products. After that, he has been conducting social practices in connection with social groups that are easily overlooked. He creates works by doing fieldwork in indigenous people’s villages and collaborating with them. Since 2012, he has also been part of the artist collective “Cooperativa Cráter Invertido”. They organize exhibitions and publishing projects at their studio in Mexico City. Their studio has attracted a lot of attention as a new co-creation space.
Diego met “Toyo” – a rescued bear that got separated from its family living in the wild. He felt a strange sympathy towards the bear, which is supposed to be feared but has been domesticated and is now a tourist attraction. Diego imagined, what if the cage holding Toyo didn’t exist, where would he have gone? Toyo would go down to the town, walking around and appearing in unexpected places, and his activities would gradually involve other spirits existing around the land… During the exhibition, the audiences will witness an absurd drama played by Toyo and the other spirits while going around and seeing traces they left at different places. Their non-verbal story, unfolded through freely crisscrossing the media of printed matter, graffiti, and performance, will make a jest of human logic and way of seeing life and death and counter-irradiate the fears we have, hidden inside of ourselves. 




展示場所[最寄駅]:川西能勢口駅周辺[川西能勢口駅]、高代寺および高代寺周辺[妙見口駅]、上杉池 横の小屋〜黒川駅への里道[妙見口駅] ※地図上に表記されている「白瀧稲荷神社までの道」は展示場所が変更となりましたのでご了承ください。
展示時間:10:00-17:00 作品により異なります
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